2010年1月31日 星期日

What makes a city attractive ?

1. Amount of sunlight
London is a great city with history, but it is never a good place to sunbath. The sun just simpy directly the mood I leave home to work.

2. Diversities of leisure resources
Sometimes, getting out for a wargame, playing grass tennis, fishing in park, staying in national parks for the weekend help you to prepare for another week of work.

3. Friends, and the interactions with them
Friends has been a very important determinants on the stay in the city. They trigger your creativity with their expertise, their knowledge, or simply their styles of living.

4. Small business availability
It is never fun to get into the same chain shops in a city, and it is never fun to sing karoake and watch movies for all the 52 weekends.

2010年1月20日 星期三


Finally handed in the application of rotation.

After the long long half year I have realised that my work does not only provide me money but unmeasurable value that cannot be found in current post.

Undoubtedly working under a lower workload environment has some positives, yet this isn't my cup of tea at this age. I prefer to be busy, to see a lot more on life/death, to get involved into the worst.

This is the value of work. This largely supports me to work.

2010年1月14日 星期四

Incomplete assessment

Do you accept the fact that when you are admitted into a hospital, the doctor shall only assess only problems that they are specialize in ?

It's my job to be care all aspects of a patient, but as a layman, do you think the doctors should also do ?

This is ridiculous that doctor does not assess the patient in all aspects. Even more ridiculous, this really happens in HK public hospitals.

Doctors, you are caring the patients !!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010年1月11日 星期一

Common interest

What is your common interest ? What is our common interest ? You may say photoshooting, football, tennis or even shopping. But when the question changes a bit to ' What is our common trigger to life?' it suddenly made so much complexity.

We are not used to create, we are supposed to live in a pre-set lifestyles where you work either 9-5 or shift, companies or schools; we are not supposed to find the trigger right ?

2010年1月3日 星期日

09 | 10


Was a year half with happiness half with frustration;
Travelled to USA to meet you; Travelled to Kyoto alone;
Worked endlessly in the first half year, and worked more endlessly in the second half;
Picked up the tennis racket, bought soccer boots


Should be a year of pursue.